The ultimate retreat. That sticks with you back home. And keeps on sticking.

*WHO will you meet?
First of all; the most important person in the whole universe. Take a wild guess: YOURSELF! Besides that you will meet Coaches, Therapists, Medicals, Personal Trainers, Yoginis, Physical Therapists, Ballerinas, Healers, Nutritionists and a whole bunch of crazy and insane skilled human beings, doing their kick ass shit, involving you in it.
*WHAT will you meet?
Beauty! All aspects of it. The fiscal body and the mental spirit. Crazy amounts of positive energy. Challenges, maybe even the brutal truth. Which you will also transform into something awesome and beautiful.
Because life is MORE. It has to be. Because we make it so. We only know these few things for certain;
-We are born.
-We have limited time, in a temporarly fiscal body.
-We die.
And the fact is; Number two is the only one we can influence, and make as great as possible.
By finding your inner peace. Your level of balance. Erasing and getting rid of the created illusion called limitations. Creating trust in you. Realising that you are all you need, and everything you need is within. This will empower you in every way, and in all you want to achieve and accomplich.
*WHERE will you do this?
“People who believe it can’t be done, should not interrupt those who are doing it”
First of all in your heart and soul. And then also in beautiful surroundings, connecting you with nature, and enjoying all the magnificent wonders of animals, plants, stars and other random stuff the universe would want to provide.